Welcome to ParentingCulture!
My name is Dr. Anjali Gowda Ferguson. I am an Indian American clinical psychologist with expertise in parenting, early childhood mental health, trauma, and cultural competence. I recently started my own parenting journey a little over a year ago and am continually struck by the lack of resources for parents of color. While I specialized in parenting well before becoming a parent myself, I often found it hard to resonate with the interventions I was learning and providing. They have their strengths and are backed by science, but when I tried to envision my immigrant parents adopting those practices, it almost became comical.
Something was missing in the world of parenting. When I look at online/offline parenting spaces I’m often confronted by the lack of representation of people who look and think like me. The spaces can feel uncomfortable and unwelcoming of my cultural experiences and thoughts. Raising a biracial Blindian (Black and Indian) child has its unique challenges and I often find the content I encounter to lack the understanding and competence of the cultural complexities. So I was moved to start this community.
”When I look at online/offline parenting spaces I’m often confronted by the lack of representation of people who look and think like me.
ParentingCulture is a team of strong, resilient parents who are all psychologists of color with expertise in children/adolescents. We each bring our own lens, area of specialty, and personal experiences to the table to help provide holistic and competent resources that capture the diversity of parenting.
In the coming posts we will introduce you to our team members. We look forward to building this community with you!